
Ballet Related Article;

How do I find the right ballet school for me or my child?

How do I find the right ballet school


Choosing a suitable ballet school can be a difficult task. With so many ballet schools and ballet course providers on offer, it's not easy to decide which school is best for you. Those who have the choice are often spoiled for choice! In Frankfurt am Main and the surrounding area alone there are more than 30 ballet schools and at least 35 ballet course providers.
Here are some criteria that should help you to make the best decision for you individually:


Choosing and caring for your ballet clothing

ballet clothes and shoes
Choosing the right ballet leotard and ballet shoes is important!
Appropriate clothing and shoes can mean the difference between a confident and confident performance and a "flop". A well-fitting ballet leotard gives us the necessary freedom of movement and supports the body during the dance. To get to the point: During the dance, don't slip, pinch or constrict yourself! With the right ballet shoes, injuries can be avoided and, above all, your dancing experience can be improved through better grip and adhesion.
Here is a small guide to buying and caring for ballet clothing:

7 points to prevent injuries in ballet

prevent injuries in ballet




In summary, the following seven points should be considered:

  1. Warm up and then stretch
  2. Proper clothing and shoes
  3. posture
  4. General fitness
  5. Not too much
  6. breaks for rest
  7. listen to your body

If you follow these simple tips, you should be safe and healthy dancing ballet!


When can you start ballet?

Every child develops at their own pace . Therefore, there is no exact age limit for entering the respective course level. I've had children who were able to take part in the pre-ballet course program by the age of 3 and those who (unfortunately) weren't by the age of five.

When registering for a trial lesson, there are two things to keep in mind:

  • The child should be able to go 45 minutes without a mother in class. The child's concentration span should last for the duration of the class (usually 45 minutes).
    The course should be tailored to the age of the child. The smaller the child, the more fun and therefore less teaching content is in the foreground.


Why are ballet lessons for children so valuable?

Why are ballet lessons for children so valuable?








Ballet offers a variety of benefits for children. It promotes physical fitness, improves posture, strengthens muscles and improves flexibility and coordination. It also promotes discipline, concentration and learning to surpass oneself as well as self-confidence and self-esteem. If you are looking for a new activity for your child, ballet is definitely worth considering.


Overcoming Fear of Ballet Performances:

(Not every point has to be considered. Do what is good for you and helps)

overcomming fear in ballet
  • Visualize your appearance
  • Breathing exercises, breathe deeply
  • Get moving before the performance
  • talk to others
  • practice more
  • stay positive
  • Take breaks (relaxation)
  • Use rituals
  • Focus on the moment
  • Keep an eye on your audience More here


Ballet Statistics:
Ballet statistics

Ballet exercises you can also do at home:

Ballet exercises you can also do at home:





On this page I show you 5 ballet exercises to do at home:

      More on

Who is ballet suitable for?

Parents and children should have realistic expectations for progress in ballet. It can take years to develop advanced ballet skills, and not all children become professionals in the art form. Ballet is a journey that requires patience and commitment.

In my many years of experience as a ballet teacher, I have seen how ballet can enrich children's lives in so many positive ways. It promotes discipline, concentration, creativity and strong body awareness. It can also create lifelong friendships and a deep love of art. More at: 

It is important that the decision to pursue ballet is based on the child's interests and abilities and that the lessons take place under appropriate conditions. Ballet is a wonderful art form that is suitable for many children and young people as long as they show enthusiasm and interest in it. When this passion is present and the right conditions are created, ballet can create a lifelong love and deep understanding of the world of dance.

How do I become a professional ballet dancer?








Ballet, a timeless and breathtaking form of dance, fascinates and inspires people around the world. While the world of ballet is glamorous and impressive from the outside, the dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer requires extraordinary dedication and hard work. In this article, we take a look at the path to a professional ballet career. More in my article



Famous Ballets you should see


My selection of the "most famous" Ballet pieces is of course subjective and influenced by my preferences. The most popular ballets are often classical pieces that have been performed for many years. They are based on well-known fairy tales or stories and offer visual and musical splendor that appeals to audiences of all ages.

Famous ballets: Swan Lake

The first three places on my list are dominated by Tchaikovsky. This underlines his central role in the perfection of the romantic ballet. My top 5 ballets are real crowd-pleasers. Hardly a season goes by without them being on the program or without an ensemble performing them. A closer look at the attendance numbers for the 2020/2021 season shows the continued interest in the timeless classics of ballet.